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Home visit assessment form

This is a form designed for use by our staff when conducting home visits. 

You can book one of our services here

The Form

Assessor Details
Tenant Details
Landlord Details
Was the tenant provided with a "How to Rent" guide when moving in?
Was the tenant provided with a Deposit Protection Certificate when moving in?
EPC Details
Was the tenant provided with an EPC when moving in?
Does the property have an EPC?
Does the EPC seem accurate?
Property Details
Does the house feel excessively cold in the winter?
Does the house feel excessively hot in the summer?
Is there any damp/mould present in the property?
Is there a working carbon monoxide alarm?
Is there a valid gas safety certificate?
Is there a valid electrical condition inspection report?
Are there any problems with hot water or heating?
Are there any problems with water or water leaks?
Are there any issues with ventilation?
Are there any draughts?
Are there any obvious basic repairs required?
Fire Safety Properties
Are there working fire alarms in the property?
If the property is more than 2 floors, are the fire alarms interlinked?
Poor Condition Properties

Fill in this section if you feel that the tenant urgently needs assistance due to extreme poor condition of the property.

Do you think this property needs to be reported for enforcement?
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Do you have additional evidence that can't fit here?
LAD Funding
Do you think this tenant qualifies for LAD funding?
Is this property classed as a HMO?
Is there anyone pregnant in the home?
Does anyone living within the home have any of the health conditions listed?
Does anyone else in the household receieve benefits or have an income that forms part of the household income assesmsment. This could be a spouse, partner or any other adults living in the property?
Is there a second adult in the household in receipt of benefits or have an income that forms part of the household income assesmsment. This could be a spouse, partner or any other adults living in the property?
What is the primary tenant's eligibility?
Thanks for submitting!
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